Archive for October 29th, 2014

We must keep the pressure on – say NO TO TPP FAST TRACKING!

 TPP - Stop it
Sign the petition: Don’t blink.  Corporations are continuing to push for TPP fast tracking.
Negotiations in Australia, aimed at hatching a final Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal, came to a close earlier this week. Given the extreme secrecy of the process, there is no way for the public, Congress or the press to find out what really happened.
Supporters of the dangerous 12-nation deal are using terms like “endgame,” “breakthrough” and “finish line.” We’ve heard this spin before. But thanks to growing opposition, TPP deadlines in 2012 and 2013 were missed.
We know that a lot of TPP issues seem to be unresolved. But we also know that very bad deals often get done in secrecy when the pressure to make a deal — any deal — is on. We can’t afford to wait and see.
The outstanding issues will decide if the medicine we need is affordable, if more devastating financial crises are in our future and if corporations can use investor-state panels to attack our laws and raid our governments’ treasuries.


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Tell President Obama: Make it clear that the U.S. will not engage in torture at home or abroad. 

 AAT on its way to visit Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Sign the petition: Next month, the U.S. must report to the United Nations committee that monitors compliance with the international Convention Against Torture.2 State Department officials want the administration to explicitly refute the Bush administration position reserving the legal right to torture prisoners held on foreign soil.
Pentagon and CIA officials, however, fear that making such a statement could expose Bush administration officials who participated in torture to prosecution. And they want to maintain a loophole in the Obama administration’s current anti-torture policies that would open the door for American officials to engage in torture outside our country’s borders, including at foreign black sites.


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