Archive for August 8th, 2014

Encourage Senator Kaine votes to prevent our democracy from being taken over by billionaires and Big Business. 

We the People
Sign the petition: Senator Kaine has the power to move the amendment overturning Citizens United across the critical threshold of majority support in the Senate. And you have the power to move Senator Kaine!



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There is no reason for drilling in the Arctic except the lust for money by the carbon industries.

 No More Offshore Oil Drilling
Sign the petition: We cannot afford to develop the oil reserves we already have.  “The Arctic is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the planet, which is already making it difficult for precious birds and marine species to survive. Offshore oil and gas drilling is a bad idea anywhere — but it’s worse in the Arctic because no proven technology exists to clean up oil spills in icy waters.” (Credo Action)



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